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Short History of Greek Literature from Homer to Julian by Wright, Wilmer Cave ISBN: 9781163306529 List Price: $34.36
Emperor Julian's Relation to the New Sophistic and Neo-Platonism: with a Study of his Style by Wilmer Cave France, Wright ISBN: 9781110388929 List Price: $19.99
Emperor Julian's Relation to the New Sophistic and Neo-Platonism: with a Study of his Style by Wilmer Cave France, Wright ISBN: 9781110388905 List Price: $18.99
Emperor Julian's Relation to the New Sophistic and Neo-Platonism : With a study of his Style... by Wright, Wilmer Cave France,... ISBN: 9781176586253 List Price: $19.75
Emperor Julian's Relation to the New Sophistic and Neo-Platonism : With a Study of His Style... by Wilmer Cave France Wright ISBN: 9781293601136 List Price: $19.75
Works. with an English Translation by Wilmer Cave Wright Volume 1 by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781347513200 List Price: $29.95
Works. with an English Translation by Wilmer Cave Wright Volume 3 by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781347515921 List Price: $29.95
Emperor Julian's Relation to the New Sophistic and Neo-Platonism : With a Study of His Style by Wilmer Cave France Wright ISBN: 9781347869574 List Price: $22.95
Short History of Greek Literature by Wilmer Cave France Wright ISBN: 9781346341637 List Price: $30.95
Short History of Greek Literature : From Homer to Julian by Wright, Wilmer Cave France ISBN: 9781504274180 List Price: $49.99
Short History of Greek Literature from Homer to Julian by Wright, Wilmer Cave France ISBN: 9781346322513 List Price: $30.95
Short History of Greek Literature from Homer to Julian by Cave France Wright, Wilmer ISBN: 9780526047864 List Price: $20.95
Emperor Julian's Relation to the New Sophistic and Neo-Platonism : With a Study of His Style by Wilmer Cave France, Wright ISBN: 9780526373505 List Price: $12.95
A Short History of Greek Literature From Homer to Julian by Wilmer Cave France Wright ISBN: 9780526047871 List Price: $29.95
The Emperor Julian's Relation to the New Sophistic and Neo-Platonism: With a Study of his Style by Wright Wilmer Cave France ISBN: 9780526373512 List Price: $22.95
Emperor Julian's Relation to the New Sophistic and Neo-Platonism : With a Study of His Style by Wilmer Cave France, Wright ISBN: 9781016464383 List Price: $25.95
Short History of Greek Literature from Homer to Julian by Cave France Wright, Wilmer ISBN: 9781016765466 List Price: $33.95
Short History of Greek Literature from Homer to Julian by Cave France Wright, Wilmer ISBN: 9781016770583 List Price: $23.95
Lives of the Sophists by Philostratus, Lucius Flaviu... ISBN: 9781941667453 List Price: $12.95
Against the Galileans by Julian the Apostate, Wright... ISBN: 9781960069054 List Price: $5.99
Letter to the Senate and the People of Athens by Julian the Apostate, Wright... ISBN: 9781960069344 List Price: $5.99
Emperor Julian's Relation to the New Sophistic and Neo-Platonism : With a Study of His Style by Wilmer Cave France, Wright ISBN: 9781016469937 List Price: $14.95
Against the Galilaeans by Apostate, Juilan The, Wrigh... ISBN: 9781915645319 List Price: $19.95
Against the Galilaeans by Apostate, Juilan The, Wrigh... ISBN: 9781915645197 List Price: $13.95
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